about the project

thespillsmiths.org is a two part awareness project created in response to the 2010 gulf oil spill. Part one is an art, jewelry, and video installation project which was held at Mr. Beast Gallery in Savannah, GA, November 4-9, 2010. Part two is the online interactive education platform, thespillsmiths.org, which includes documentation of the Savannah project and an online retail store where visitors can buy jewelry to support gulf oil spill clean-up efforts.

Oct 22, 2010

Pin Workshop is a Success

Thanks to all those who showed up this Thursday for our evening of sanding and finishing. The Pin Workshop was a success - 40 young artists and designers came by to enjoy pizza and a little factory-style labor! They helped bring us about 75% closer to completion... which is a lot, when we're talking about 1500 pieces of jewelry. That's the pile in the box below.

And an extra shout out to our friends at MJSA who recruited such a talented group. Much luck on your mining expedition this weekend.

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