The Coastline Brooches:
This series of hand-made brooches was made in a first run of 1500. They are designed to raise awareness of this year's catastrophic oil spill in the gulf, and to raise funds for remediation. More than that, they link this event as one more in a long legacy of spills that occur wherever the oil industry sets its sights.
South Korea - 2007
3 million gallons
Prince William Sound, 1989
11 million gallons
Bay of Campeche, 1979
140 million gallons
Gulf of Mexico, 2010
185 million gallons
Special Edition - Wildlife Brooches:
This series was designed in recognition of the impact on the wildlife of the gulf coast. The pin itself is one of the many animals effected in this ecosystem, and can be worn to start a conversation. As a wall-piece it is reminiscent of a slick of oil floating on the sea surface, or of tar balls that have engulfed unsuspecting animals.